Towing Your Side-by-Side or ATV

Side-by-sides and ATVs offer you a chance to really get off the beaten path and enjoy the thrill of carving out your course. They are a great option for hunting, farming and racing, or if you want to do some serious mod bogging. This is because they feature a lot of the safety and performance of a $500,000 trophy truck without the hefty price tag! However, when it comes to towing a side-by-side or an ATV, where to begin? In this article we take a look at tips for towing a side-by-side and ATV to ensure you get your gear to where it needs to be in one piece.

Trailers you need for towing a side-by-side or ATV

The first question to consider is: what type of trailer do I need? At the entry level, most 5ft x 12ft utility trailers are going to be just enough when it comes to towing a side-by-side or ATV. That’s because towing a side-by-side or ATV is really all about the width. Most ATVs are 48 inches wide, and most side-by-sides are around 60 inches wide. There are bigger units available on the market obviously (like the 72 inch RZR Pro XP); however, most basic models only require you to have a trailer that’s 5ft x 12ft. If you are going to upsize eventually, you might want to consider getting a bigger trailer to begin with.

Towing equipment

Now that you’ve got your trailer sorted, it’s time to hitch it up and tie down your side-by-side or ATV so you can start hitting those trails! In the first instance, choose a high quality hitch. Depending on your tow vehicle, you will need either a 2″, 2.5″ or 3″ sized shank. You can check out our helpful guide in order to determine what size hitch you need.

When it comes to trailering a side-by-side or ATV, you need to pay attention to weight distribution. When placing your side-by-side or ATV onto the trailer be careful not to have it to far forward as this will overload the tongue weight. This means the weight that a loaded trailer pushes down onto your tow vehicle’s hitch. Your tongue weight should be a maximum of 15% of the total of your trailer weight. When it comes to weight distribution, you should also consider another piece of essential equipment: a sway control system. These are especially important if you intend on trailering your side-side or ATV at highway speeds. Sway control systems can improve your overall steering control and braking performance when towing a side-by-side or ATV.

Using these tips will give you not only a safe but also enjoyable towing experience. Towing a side-by-side or ATV needs to be done both legally and safely so that you can get to your off road destination and let the real fun begin!

Happy trails!